€ 8,35


Cambia colore se il cibo è troppo caldo, morbido e delicato per il palato e le gengive.

Il cucchiaio lungo raggiunge facilmente il fondo dei barattoli più profondi ti permette di tenere il cucchiaio insieme.
Il Cucchiaio corto e largo è progettato per le piccole mani del bambino ideale per raccogliere la pappa da solo.
Superfici antiscivolo sicure e facili da tenere in mano sia per i bambini che per i genitori.


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. HEAT SENSITIVE TIPS Change colour if food is too hot / soft and gentle on palate and gums. 2. INNOVATION 2 steps to independent eating with a spoon: Step 1: Long spoon: easily reaches the bottom of deeper Jars; allows you to hold the spoon together. Step 2: Short, broad spoon: designed for baby’s small hands – ideal for holding on their own. 3. EASY TO USE Non-slip surfaces: secure and easy for babies and parents to hold. 4. INNOVATION Compact and spacesaving! Two compartments keep clean and used spoons hygienically separated. DEVELOPED WITH MEDICAL EXPERTS Teamwork with medical experts for maximum safety. Only after approval by medical experts is a MAM innovation ready for baby life.
Definizioni di . HEAT SENSITIVE TIPS Change colour if food is too hot / soft and gentle on palate and gums. 2. INNOVATION 2 steps to independent eating with a spoon: Step 1: Long spoon: easily reaches the bottom of deeper Jars; allows you to hold the spoon together. Step 2: Short, broad spoon: designed for baby’s small hands – ideal for holding on their own. 3. EASY TO USE Non-slip surfaces: secure and easy for babies and parents to hold. 4. INNOVATION Compact and spacesaving! Two compartments keep clean and used spoons hygienically separated. DEVELOPED WITH MEDICAL EXPERTS Teamwork with medical experts for maximum safety. Only after approval by medical experts is a MAM innovation ready for baby life.
Sinonimi di . HEAT SENSITIVE TIPS Change colour if food is too hot / soft and gentle on palate and gums. 2. INNOVATION 2 steps to independent eating with a spoon: Step 1: Long spoon: easily reaches the bottom of deeper Jars; allows you to hold the spoon together. Step 2: Short, broad spoon: designed for baby’s small hands – ideal for holding on their own. 3. EASY TO USE Non-slip surfaces: secure and easy for babies and parents to hold. 4. INNOVATION Compact and spacesaving! Two compartments keep clean and used spoons hygienically separated. DEVELOPED WITH MEDICAL EXPERTS Teamwork with medical experts for maximum safety. Only after approval by medical experts is a MAM innovation ready for baby life.
Esempi per . HEAT SENSITIVE TIPS Change colour if food is too hot / soft and gentle on palate and gums. 2. INNOVATION 2 steps to independent eating with a spoon: Step 1: Long spoon: easily reaches the bottom of deeper Jars; allows you to hold the spoon together. Step 2: Short, broad spoon: designed for baby’s small hands – ideal for holding on their own. 3. EASY TO USE Non-slip surfaces: secure and easy for babies and parents to hold. 4. INNOVATION Compact and spacesaving! Two compartments keep clean and used spoons hygienically separated. DEVELOPED WITH MEDICAL EXPERTS Teamwork with medical experts for maximum safety. Only after approval by medical experts is a MAM innovation ready for baby life.
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Traduzioni di . HEAT SENSITIVE TIPS Change colour if food is too hot / soft and gentle on palate and gums. 2. INNOVATION 2 steps to independent eating with a spoon: Step 1: Long spoon: easily reaches the bottom of deeper Jars; allows you to hold the spoon together. Step 2: Short, broad spoon: designed for baby’s small hands – ideal for holding on their own. 3. EASY TO USE Non-slip surfaces: secure and easy for babies and parents to hold. 4. INNOVATION Compact and spacesaving! Two compartments keep clean and used spoons hygienically separated. DEVELOPED WITH MEDICAL EXPERTS Teamwork with medical experts for maximum safety. Only after approval by medical experts is a MAM innovation ready for baby life.
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